
Silje Slotterøy Dahlheim

Senior LawyerOslo

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Silje Slotterøy Dalheim


Silje Slotterøy Dahlheim is part of the energy department at Selmer, and she is responsible for compliance within Selmer's ESG and Compliance team. Silje assists with crisis management, risk assessments and regulatory compliance. Through various positions in the public sector, Silje has gained good knowledge of public administration, supervisory and legislative work, investigation, court proceedings and dispute resolution. She has a solid basis for providing legal and strategic advice to the business community on sustainable business operations, responsible management and ethical norms. Her background from the Norwegian National Authority for Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and Environmental Crime (Økokrim) and the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway makes her particularly well equipped to provide advice related to the requirements that companies' management and boards are subject to, such as corruption, trading in influence, handling of stolen property rights and money laundering. Silje also assists with dispute resolution and litigation and has several years of experience as a deputy judge and acting district court judge in Oslo and Romerike. She has considerable litigation experience as a prosecutor for the district court and the court of appeal in both minor and very extensive cases. Her experience from the prosecuting authority means she is also trained in handling media and ongoing crises and preparing for interrogations. At The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway (Finanstilsynet), Silje worked with investment firms and infrastructure undertakings, with licensing procedures, regulatory development, on-site supervision and market surveillance. She, therefore, has extensive experience with financial regulatory issues and has good knowledge of the regulatory structure in the EU in this area, as well as how the various forms of regulation are implemented and followed up in Norwegian law and by supervisory authorities. Silje has also worked with transactions, acquisitions, restructurings, and various tax law issues in the Steenstrup Stordrange (SANDS) law firm. Silje wrote her master's thesis about technical barriers to trade as a research assistant at the Centre for European Law.

Work experience

Senior Lawyer
2021 - 2023
Police Lawyer – National Authority for Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and Environmental Crime
Acting judge – Oslo District Court
2020 - 2021
Police Lawyer – Oslo Police District
Acting judge – Upper Romerike District Court
2018 - 2020
Deputy Judge – Oslo District Court
2015 - 2018
Deputy Judge – Lower Romerike District Court
2012 - 2015
Senior Advisor – The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway
2008 - 2012
2007 - 2008
Scientific Assistant – Center for European Law, University of Oslo


Master of Law – University of Oslo