
Annija Punka is a part of Selmer's Energy department. She assists with contracts in the energy and industrial sectors, and has experience within the carbon capture and storage value chain, among other areas. Annija also has experience in various regulatory areas, including the EU emissions trading system. Annija is part of Selmer's ESG team. She is specialized in the field of international environmental law at the University of Oslo, where she wrote her master's thesis on the global plastic treaty.

Work experience

Associate – Selmer
2022 - 2023
Research Assistant – University of Oslo
2021 - 2022
Legal intern – Solar Norge AS
2022 - 2022
Consultant – WWF
2021 - 2022
Legal case manager – The Parliamentary Ombud
2020 - 2021
Legal consultant – The National Federation of House Owners in Norway


2018 - 2023
Master of Laws – University of Oslo


Towards an effective global plastics treaty - A legal analysis of treaty design elements to promote participation and effectiveness