
Nina Stærnes is primarily associated with the ESG and Compliance-team in Selmer. Nina assists in all compliance-related matters, including anti-corruption, anti-money laundering and sanctions. She has in-depth knowledge of the Norwegian Transparency Act, and advises several Norwegian and foreign companies on requirements and expectations related to ensuring respect for human rights. Nina advises companies with implementation of adequate routines for both compliance and ESG, as well as performing Integrity Due Diligence and risk assessments. In addition, Nina assists companies across the energy sector with both contracts and transactions. Nina is specialized in corporate criminal law at the University of Oslo, with her master thesis addressing criminal liability for the parent company in company groups.

Work experience

Associate – Advokatfirmaet Selmer AS
2021 - 2021
Legal Intern, Sivilavdelingen – The Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security
2021 - 2021
Legal Intern, Internal Audit & Compliance – Orkla ASA


2016 - 2022
Master of Laws – University of Oslo


Corporate criminal liability in company groups