
Technology and Digitalisation

Technology and digitalisation are vital enablers in the development of business and society in general. Digital tools have changed the way enterprises are organised and interact, and are viewed by many as a key success factor. Technology creates opportunities;but at the same time, suppliers and customers are having to adjust to more complex systems and procurement processes, as well as new legal challenges and risks.

At Selmer we work with both established industry players and start-up companies, both of which use technology to gain a competitive edge within their industries. We have one of Norway’s largest teams of experts in technology and digitalisation, and we assist both suppliers and customers with IT procurement and digitalisation processes. We are recognised for our ability to combine the law with technology and commercial interests, and to efficiently execute processes.

Our lawyers have extensive experience, often gained from having worked in-house for key players in the industry. Robust legal solutions require in-depth understanding of how digital transformation affects various industries, combined with cutting-edge legal expertise. That is why we work in multidisciplinary teams and offer a range of customised services.

Our services

IT procurements
IT contracts; including cloud services, ERP and software development
Supplier follow-up
Digital transformation
Media and content
Telecommunications and regulatory matters
Maintenance and utilisation of intellectual property rights
Dispute resolution and mediation
Transactions and due diligence

Key capabilities within tech-contracts. Efficient and available partners. Strong negotiation skills. Selmer’s team worked very close with us as a customer, being available and searching for good solutions.


Meet our team